Analysing the influence of application deployment to energy consumption

by M. Gribaudo, N.T.T Ho, B. Pernici, G. Serazzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Energy efficiency solutions for Data Centers have been recently an active research field. Several efforts have been made at infrastructure level and application level to achieve energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emission. The goal of this work is to examine the aspect of application deployment to understand if it is the case and how application deployment configuration in cloud environments influences to energy consumption of applications at runtime. We employ queueing networks techniques to model different deployment configurations and perform quantitative analysis to predict application performance and energy consumption. The results obtained from the models are validated against experimental data to confirm the correctness of the models so that they can be used for predictions. Moreover, comparisons between different configurations in term of performance and energy consumption are made to suggest the optimal configuration to deploy applications on cloud environments.


green ICT, energy efficiency, performance evaluation, cloud computing, application deployment



E2DC, Cambridge, June 2014

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The consortium

  • ATOS SPAIN SA - E (coordinator)
  • University of Manchester - UK.
  • University of Edinburgh - UK
  • Universität Stuttgart - D
  • Politecnico di Milano - I
  • INRIA - F