ECO2Clouds Deliverable 6.2

1st year Dissemination report

WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation

delivered: Sept. 2013

type: public


Executive summary

The goal of this report is to describe the dissemination activities conducted in the first year of the ECO2Clouds project. The deliverable presents the set of dissemination actions that have been performed and highlights the deviations from the plan described in D6.1. Dissemination Plan. In particular, the publications, in terms of conferences and journals articles and presentations and talks are listed. Moreover, the dissemination tools that have been designed and used in the first year of the project are described. The results of the dissemination activities are presented by evaluating the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) listed in D6.1 These indicators include, for example, the number and impact of publications, the accesses to the online sources and the number of organized events. Finally, the aim of D6.2 is also presenting a plan of the dissemination activities for the second year of the project. Such plan establishes a series of actions to be taken, assigns the partners responsible, and lists the expected results.


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The consortium

  • ATOS SPAIN SA - E (coordinator)
  • University of Manchester - UK.
  • University of Edinburgh - UK
  • Universität Stuttgart - D
  • Politecnico di Milano - I
  • INRIA - F