The University of Manchester (UNIMAN) brings together the strengths of the Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST into a leading UK university with close links to industry. UNIMAN has participated in a number of large EU and EPSRC-funded research projects targeting dynamic formation of virtual enterprises and supply networks (SUDDEN, CrossWork), low-cost interoperability solutions (COMMIUS), SOA and web-services (SOA4All), adaptive service-based systems for manufacturing industry (ARUM),
optimization models for service eco-systems (BonFIRE, TEOS experiment) as well as optimization of mobility infrastructure (MODUM). These projects have helped to build UNIMAN’s profile in core mechanisms for emergent distributed software (service) composition, models for optimization and adapting to unexpected disturbances in service ecosystems, as well as experimentation of computationally intensive mechanisms on distributed (Cloud) infrastructure.

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The consortium

  • ATOS SPAIN SA - E (coordinator)
  • University of Manchester - UK.
  • University of Edinburgh - UK
  • Universität Stuttgart - D
  • Politecnico di Milano - I
  • INRIA - F